Mobile Podiatrist, Available for Home Visits


About me

I’m a mobile podiatrist, with 9 years’ experience working in the NHS, as a specialist in Biomechanics. Due to my knowledge and experience, whenever I treat a patient I am always looking to find the cause of the problem, for instance why is there a corn? What can be done to prevent this from returning or slow down its return? In all cases a patient-centred approach is taken. My overall role is to protect, prevent and educate on all foot health concerns as no one should have pain in their feet.

In addition to my specialist areas, I do general chiropody treatments - Corns, callus, thickened and deformed toenails, ingrown toenails, fungal toenail advice, diabetic foot checks.

Biomechanics specialist

Biomechanics assessments involve investigating lower limb function, looking closely for abnormalities and compensations, trying to find the underlying cause of the pain through examination and gait analysis. Once the cause has been found a treatment plan can be drawn up tailored to the specific issue. Treatment usually involves a specific home exercise programme, footwear advice and possibly insoles and orthotics (Off the shelf, as well as custom made insoles and orthotics available.)The goal would be to alleviate symptoms or provide functional realignment and change of gait.
Shorts will need to be worn as assessments involve non weight bearing, weight bearing and gait analysis of lower limb.
Type of treatments likely to require this type of assessment include: heel pain e.g planter fasciitis, achilles tendonitis, heel spurs, flat feet, high arched feet, knee pains, hypermobility, shinsplints, bunions, clawed toes, mortons neuroma, sports related foot injuries eg chronic lateral ankle sprain, arthritic pains in ankles and other foot joints, stability concerns, to name but a few.


This focuses on children’s mobility, preventative foot care, treatment and correction of early signs of foot deformity and the improvement of general paediatric foot health. Treatment will involve a biomechanics assessment and gait analysis, with the end result likely to be a specific home exercise programme and orthotics.
Many deformities that develop in later life can often be tracked back to early abnormal foot growth and development in children. With early diagnosis it is often possible to prevent these problems from developing. Orthoses can help children presenting with conditions such as in-toeing and out-toeing, knocked knees, Severs Disease and severe flat feet. Orthotics in some of these cases are only needed for the short term.

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